Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN7 6LB

01992 623 065

Andrews Lane Primary School

Welcome to Year 5


Miss Elvy

Teaching assistant 

Mrs Mizon

Home Learning: Set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday

PE: Monday  

Ukelele: Tuesday 

Swimming: Thursday 


‘Working Together’ with parents this week, the focus was writing. In PSHE the children had been learning about the dangers of smoking cigarettes and vapes. They asked to do some writing with their parents about this.

WB: 20.1.2025


As part of their art topic ‘Sculpting vases’, the children used salt dough to try different techniques for making a vase / pot. This included making thumb and coil pots. Using clay tools, they then added their own decorations. The children created a prototype for their clay pieces. There was a lot of concentration and the results were outstanding.


This week Y5 went on a visit to the Southgate Progressive Synagogue.

Barbara, our guide, talked to the children about the coming of age ceremonies for a Jewish boy (Bar Mitzvah) or a girl (Bat Mitzvah) at the age of 13 and 12. We had looked at this in class. She also talked to the children about the synagogue, the eternal flame, the stained-glass windows and the Torah scrolls.

They also found out about Shabbat and tasted some grape juice and challah bread.

The children were a credit to the school. Well done everyone.


In English, the children have been learning all about cinquain poems.

  • Five lines
  • Pattern of syllables – 2, 4, 6, 8,2
  • Does not need to rhyme
  • Shaped like a diamond
  • Each line has a focus – noun, adjectives, verbs, feelings, synonym

The children wrote their own cinquains about chocolate, winter, a polar bear and a tiger.


Year 5 did their class assembly to the parents today. They had practised hard both in school and at home. As a class, they recited the poem ‘Polar Bear’ by Richard Rintoul. Information was then shared about polar bears, Svalbard and the land of the Midnight Sun. The assembly ended with a rendition of the song ‘Let it go’ from the film Frozen. It was wonderful to see the children speaking and singing so confidently. Well done everyone. A special thank you to the parents for helping the children to learn the poem, their words and the song.






Y5 have started their geography topic called ‘UK and County of Opportunity (Hertfordshire). They looked at the difference between key human and physical geographical features and then used an atlas to find some UK examples.



In history this week the children looked at the highs and lows of the Vikings in England. After reading through a PowerPoint about them, they worked in pairs or groups of three to create a living graph. Each dated statement was discussed to decide if the children thought it was a high or a low. Did the Vikings have a big or small impact on the Saxons already living here? All of the graphs were slightly different.



The children have started to create their final watercolour pieces called ‘Cityscapes’. This will be a night-time painting that showcases all the skills they have learnt – perspective, bleeding, layering and blending. The final piece will be a few week’s work. The final pieces will then be displayed in a gallery.