Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN7 6LB

01992 623 065

Andrews Lane Primary School

Welcome to Year 4


Mrs Medall 

Teaching assistant 

Mrs Briggs 

Recorders: Tuesday 

PE: Monday and Wednesday  

Forest School: Not this term 



This week, we conducted a science investigation to test the melting times of different types of chocolate e.g., dark, milk and white chocolate. Working in groups, we carefully placed the different types of chocolate into a tin and into a tray of boiled water. We used a stopwatch to time how long it took for the different types of chocolate to melt. We predicted that the white chocolate would melt the fastest because it has fewer cocoa beans and we were correct!


This week, Year 4 began their new DT topic, Seasonal Stockings. They used different stitching techniques to join two pieces of felt together. They really enjoyed the challenge and it was nice to see their perseverance in conquering a new skill.




This week, Year 4 started uni-hoc in P.E. They practised holding the stick correctly as well as controlling and passing the ball to their partner.


This week in maths, the children have been exploring multiplication. They have built arrays as well as constructed ‘factor bugs’ to find all the factors of a number.




This week in P.E, the children warmed-up with a game of ‘Tag.’ They were then put into two teams and were challenged with making ‘side passes’ to score a try!

In P.E, Year 4 are learning the basic skills of Tag Rugby. This week, they learnt how to throw a ball to one another using a side-pass.