Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN7 6LB

01992 623 065

Andrews Lane Primary School




Welcome to Early Years


Class Teachers

Ms Methven

Mrs Negus

Teaching Assistants

Miss Mizon

Mrs Juniper

Home Learning: Given out on Fridays

PE: Wednesday 

Forest school: Starting on 5th November 

Children need their planner and reading book every day


It has been a busy time in Early Years. The children put on a fantastic Christmas performance, we definitely have some budding actors and singers. Well done to you all. 

They enjoyed their Christmas dinner with friends and were beyond excited when we had a visit from Father Christmas. Luckily all the children were on the good list and received a gift. Thank you Father Christmas for visiting us at Andrews Lane. 

The Early Years would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. 



The children are really beginning to enjoy writing and are applying their phonic knowledge when spelling. It is great to hear them segmenting words and then blending to read the word back. 

There has been lots of list writing this week and the children have been wearing their magic writing glasses to help them. 


The Early Years children went on their first Forest School walk to find leaves. 

They had listened to story of Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert and we had talked about why all the leaves were changing colour and falling from the trees. The children enjoyed finding all the colours, especially the red ones which were a bit harder to find. 

We then took our leaves back to the classroom where the children created beautiful autumn crowns and their own leaf man images. 



Reading and role play 


The children have been doing well with their phonic learning and are now beginning to blend sounds. Well done! 

They have also been listening to the story of The Three Little Pigs and then acting it out. It was great to see how confident they were and how well they remembered the story.  




The children have been practising their mark making skills. They have been able to copy the patterns shown and enjoyed sharing their work. 



The children have been exploring number. They have been counting and ordering numbers and then matched amounts. Well done reception. .