Welcome to Year 2
Mrs Bronson
Mrs Negus
Teaching assistants
Miss Kerr
PE: Monday
Home Learning sent home on a Friday
Forest School: Not this half term
Last week the children in Year 2 enjoyed a Great Fire of London workshop in school. We brought the story to life through acting and song. It was a great experience and the children learnt so many facts.
Year 2 have been busy with the first stage of constructing our fire engines. We have been exploring features of fire engines and designed our own. We made our own axles, chassis and wheels. The next stage will be to paint and decorate them.
The children in Year 2 have been working hard learning a poem about Paris and also a meet and greet song in French. On Thursday they performed their poem and song to the rest of the school and their parents. They have worked so hard and have made everyone very proud. Well done Year 2!
Year 2 have been finding complements of 100.
they played the Busy Bus game where depending what number you landed on (40) you had to say what the complement would be to make 100 (60)
The children enjoyed helping each other out.
In Maths this week we have been learning about Place Value. We have been generating 2-digit numbers from 3 single digits. Then we thought about where they would go on an empty number line.
Our topic in Art is ‘Can buildings speak?’. We have been looking at different architects and discussing the buildings they have designed. We have focussed on an artist called L.S Lowry, who created lots of paintings which include buildings. This week, we used junk modelling to create our own buildings. We first covered our boxes in plain paper so we had a blank canvas to paint on. We explored colour mixing with blue, red and yellow to create different shades of brown for our buildings. Next week we will add the final details to our buildings.
On Thursday we had our first bicycle training session. We learnt how to be safe on the bikes, to control the bikes and develop our balance and co-ordination.